TUNISIA: Statement of Disobey Movement

Tunisians have been living since the disbandment of KASBAH sit-in under the dominance of a rivaling political class with homatophagous politicians feeding on the blood of the poor and the marginalized exploiting the wealth in the regions while discarding its inhabitants causing the people to survive with the minimum conditions of life and to suffer poverty and lethargic unemployment. The situation is aggravating due to the fascist tendency the system has taken with the assassinations of political militants Shokry Belayd and Muhammad Brahmy; the list is still open to more assassinations.

Indeed, the dictatorship of capitalism, which caught its breath with Ben Achour Higher Authority for the Fulfillment of the Revolution Objectives, then with the Constituent Assembly and all the institutions and powers springing from It, is responsible for the deterioration of the situation in social and economic terms as well as on the level of security with recurring assassinations.

The overriding and massive movements all over the country during the last couple of days are of dramatic importance as they resulted in the seizure of regional administrative power locals. Yet, this revolutionary step needs to be confirmed for the masses should claim its right to self-manage its resources to end up with any potential attempt of robbing them by any component of the civil and political fight over power show.

The uprising masses should work to put the local and regional councils they founded into action and affirm their priority and right to manage public affairs by;

* founding local public affairs autogestion councils to self-manage the resources and wealth on the level of districts, villages, lands, factories, rural areas and communities.

* founding regional councils (on the level of prefectures) to run and coordinate regional affairs.

* founding a national council formed by delegates from local and regional councils to set a program for development and the general principles of Tunisians everyday life affairs and implanting supervising committees supervising the realization of decisions taken by the council

These are suggestions we give to militant forces on the basis of tearing down the regime, acquiring the sovereignty over their own destiny, cutting, once and for all, with poverty, regional disparities, violence and terrorism, and preventing any detour attempts prepared between the actual shame council, parties shops, and in the corridors of embassies as well,
under the motto of either salvation or democratic transition which will become eventually a strong consensus to rob both revolution and wealth.

From: هيئات العمل الثوري/حركة عصيان

About tahriricn

bringing together anarchist perspectives from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe

Posted on August 1, 2013, in North Africa and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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